1930's Radio Soap Operas Radio emerged as a vehicle for mass communication and entertainment during the 1920s but did not begin to dominate and influence American culture until the 1930s. During this decade America's radio programming, advertising and influence over the American public flourished since ownership of radios increased dramatically. While once considered an avenue for public service, radio programming of the 1930s sought to satisfy Americans' needs for Escape , community and connection to others all the while selling American products. This phenomenon was best illustrated through Soap Operas . Denounced by critics as low-culture, neurotic, crude and irrational, daytime Serials were a medium for advertising a myriad of products aimed at female consumers, often acknowledged by researchers as the primary purchaser of household goods. "Soaps" were largely written and produced by women for women and focused on realistic...
Old Time Radio Shows from the Golden Age of Radio