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Meet Famous Dr. I. Q., a Visitor Here

The Milwaukee Journal – Aug 9, 1942      Meet Famous Dr. I. Q ., a Visitor Here MILWAUKEEANS who go to see the radio quiz show   “Dr. I.Q.” Monday at the Wisconsin theater will find him a changed man from the last time he visited this city. In fact, he’s a different man. He’s Jimmie McClain, who took over the job almost two years ago from Lew Valentine when Lew was let out for reasons never clarified. McClain will hold forth on the Wisconsin stage over WTMJ-NBC for six successive Mondays. His broadcast is only a one day stint—the other six days of the week and all-film schedule prevails. Those days, perhaps, McClain may spend in Evanston, Ill., where he lives with Mrs. McClain and their young daughter. Born in Louisville, Ky., on July 12, 1912, McClain attended Southern Methodist university in Dallas, tex., where he majored in public speaking and English. As a freshman student at the famous Texas school McClain achieved the distinction of winnin...