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Showing posts with the label Peter Donald


PETER DONALD—has spent most of his life in show business. Born in Bristol, England, he played his first part at three; attended the Professional Children’s School in New York; modeled for thousands of ads; and has appeared in several Broadway productions. He made his radio debut in 1928 and at thirteen was the youngest emcee in radio. He is now on Talk Your Way Out Of It, heard on ABC.

A Stroll Down Allen’s Alley

The Milwaukee Journal-Nov 16, 1947 A Stroll Down Allen’s Alley                  By ROBERT FLEMING MEET THE CHARATERS WHO TICKLE  YOUR FUNNYBONE ON SUNDAY NIGHTS EACH Sunday night, in millions of American homes, a nasal voice suggests, “Now let’s be off to Allen’s Alley .” And during 15 seconds of music, bridge games are halted, children are hushed, papers are laid aside, and people all over the nation chuckle in anticipation. Fred Allen is off to another gay adventure in neighborliness. “Allen’s Alley” users about five minutes of each Fred Allen show. Since his program currently tops the listener surveys and has been near top for season after season, it’s almost unnecessary for him to say he’s about to visit Senator Claghorn, Titus Moody, Mrs. Nussbaum and Ajax Cassidy. Regular listeners know the four. But before the conversational Mr. Allen comes into the “alley” again, let’s visit the place, look around, ...