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< LAST MINUTE REHEARSAL FOR CAVALCADE OF AMERICA FINDS MEMBERS OF CAST DILIGENTLY CHECKING SCRIPTS FOR LAST MINUTE CHANGES> <DIRECTOR HOMER FICKET (SEATED UNDER FLAG) GIVES THE ENTIRE CAST A QUICK RUN THROUGH THE SCRIPTS BEFORE AIR TIME.> <Sound effects are an integral part of the show, requiring the most experienced men.> <Edward Jerone , versatile actor, plays Abe Lincoln one week, and a bit part the next.> CAVALCADE OF AMERICA TUNE IN WEDS. 8 P.M. E.W.T. (NBC) When the Cavalcade series was first presented eight years ago, few people in radio thought it would succeed. Likely to be tagged as “long-haired” and an “educational program” those in the know felt that a show devoted to historical drama would find a very small listening audience. But Cavalcade has proved that Americans are interested in their country and its great names. The producers of the show were far-sighted enough to see that if the program was to have any real value,...