Radio rights to Dorothy Dix have been acquired by Frank
Cooper Associates, who have already done three experimental audition records.
Miss Dix, who started advising the lovelorn in 1896, is correctly syndicated in
216 newspapers . . . Lester Gottliab, Young & Rublcam talent and programing
exec, left New York Friday (16) for the Coast to help launch the agency’s top
shows this fall, including Fannie Brice, Duffy’s Tavern, Joan Davis, Ginny
Simms, Allan Young, etc . . .
Dick Powell-Texace Show, Rogue’s Gallery, is about set with
conirects to be okayed Monday or Tuesday { 18 or 20} . . . WNAZ, Sarange Lake,
N, Y . . . affiliate of ABC, granted a construction permit by the FCC to
operate with 230 watis time on 1450 AC. Now a 100 walter, station will make the
switch about October 1.
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