“Blondie” Leads Coast Segs
NEW YORK, Sept. 7—Blondie, with a
rating of 18.8, lends the first 15 programs on the Pacific Network Hooperatings
report, Whistler, with a rating of 13.4, and Michael Shayne, with 12.9, are
second and third respectively.
Others among the first 15, in order of their rating, are:
Aldrich Family 11.4; Frank Morgan, 11.3;Crime Doctor, 11.0; Jervens Summer
Edition, 10.8: Adventures of Ellery Queen, 10.8; Quiz Kids, 10.2; Big Town,
10.2; Mr. and Mrs. North, 10; Screen Guild Players, 9.7; Skippy Hollywood Theater, 9.7; This Is Your FBI,
9.1, and Bob Hawk Show, 9.1.
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