Patricia Ryan -began her radio career at eight
and a year later joined the Let’s Pretenders, where she still is heard, most
often as a Fairy Godmother, a role she also played in real life during war
years when she was a Nurse’s Aid and visitor to injured seamen in New York’s
hospitals. Pat has regular featured roles on Theater of Today. Grand CentralStation, Aunt Jenny and Big Sister, all Columbia programs.
While doing research for an article I came across an unexpected search result: "Was Jack Benny Gay?" There was no more than the question as previously stated from the original poster, but the replies made for interesting reading, ranging from: Jack Benny Celebrating his 39th Birthday "Of course not, he was a well known skirt-chaser in his youth, and he was married to Mary Livingston for many years" "Sure he was, everyone in Hollywood with the possible exception of John Wayne was and is homosexual!" "Part of Benny's "schtick" was his limp-wristed hand-to-face gestures. He was not gay, but emphasized what his fans observed as "acting like a girl" for humor. While heterosexual Benny tried to gay it up, many really gay actors or comedians in those days tried to act as "straight" as they could muster." "... the idea behind his character was to have him a little on the ambiguous side. His charact...
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