"It was a pretty room, if you like dead women on your rugs. She was stretched out in a pale, yellow dressing gown, as quiet as an April morning and twice as pretty." - Pat Novak, Private Investigator 490423 Rita Malloy
"The veins stood out in his face and made a pattern as if he slept on an alligator bag instead of a pillow."
"He was crumpled up against the desk and she was staring down at him as if she forgot to water the plants." - 490604 Agnes Botton
"The sky was the color of a bruised spot on a man's arm."
"He was crumpled up against the desk and she was staring down at him as if she forgot to water the plants." - 490604 Agnes Botton
Jeff Regan:
"All kinds of people have followed me at one time or another - and I have followed all kinds of people. This had a professional feel to it.

"It only took him second. He was a professional, alright. All I could see was a well-pressed Gaberdine, two arms and hand-painted tie. The next thing was a gun butt in a white, linen handkerchief subtled slowly against the side of my head."
Pat Novak:
"It was a pretty room, if you like dead women on your rugs. She was stretched out in a pale, yellow dressing gown, as quiet as an April morning and twice as pretty."
- 490423 Rita Malloy
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