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Showing posts from September, 2012

Eve Arden: Queen of Comedy

* Queen of Comedy . . . (8:30) Eve Arden (above) has been selected as “Queen of Comedy” for 1948-49 by radio listeners. Eve, long a favorite of movie and stage fans, now has come into her own on the airlanes with her new characterization in “ Our Miss Brooks .”

Lurene Tuttle: Adventures of Sam Spade, radio detective

Lurene Tuttle Sam Spade ’s (and William Spider’s) indispensable lady. 1941 Producer William Spider would feel lost without petite, titian-haired Lurene Tuttle, who plays Effie Perrine on The Adventures of SamSpade (CBS, Sundays, 8 P.M., EDT). It isn’t just that Effie as played by Miss Tuttle, is a special kind of Girl Friday- it’s Lurene’s ability to play almost any kind of feminine role. When every the script calls for a gun moll, a slinky confidence woman, a grandmother, an adventuress, a Main Line debutante, it’s Lurene’s name that Bill Spier pencils in for the part. Actually, Lurene’s favorite part on the show is not that of Effie, but Spade’s talkative landlady. There’s scarcely a radio program on which Lurene hasn’t been heard, but she’s no radio Cinderella. She came to radio as a stage actress seasoned by seven years of trouping in stock. She played her first part-at seventeen- in a Burbank, California, garage. And for a considerable period, she was a pillar of ...

Apollo Space Program Recordings (Apollo 12, 14, 15, 17)

Lasting from 1963 until 1972, the Apollo Space Program aspired to land man safely on the moon and was successful in six of the missions (Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17). These missions retrieved a slew of scientific data previously unavailable to humankind before. This collection included audio data from four of the Apollo Missions: Apollo 12 Launched November 14 th, 1969 Apollo 14 Launched January 31 st, 1971 Apollo 15 Launched July 26 th, 1971 Apollo 17 Launched December 7 th, 1972 At times playful and at the same time profound, the astronauts who served on these missions share their insights and observations from the moon. This space program defined the pioneering and revolutionary nature of an era of scientific discovery and progress.

Not So Fashionable

If you ever mean Fbber McGee’s persistent heckler, Mrs. Uppington, this is the way she’ll look at you. Not So Fashionable AS any listener to Fibber McGeeand Molly knows, there is one mystery that fitfully agitates the entire population of Wistful Vista , but which probably never will be solved. It is the puzzle of Who Threw the Rock Through Mrs. Uppington’ Window? The center of the controversy, of course, is Mrs. Uppington herself—Wistful Vista’s self-appointed dictator on etiquette, social position, fashions, and anything else she happens to think about. Mrs. Uppington isn’t the nicest woman who ever lived, and so it’s only fair to point out that Isabel Randolph, who originated the character on the air and still plays it, is friendly, clever, and not at all supper-fashionable. Isabel—or “Uppy,” as Fibber always calls her both on and off the air—is a born and bred actress. Her first appearance on the stage wasn’t even a “walk-on”—it was a “carry-on” at the age of...