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Radio Mystery Theater: 1979 Highlight Listings

January 29, 1979

Monday, February 19 through Sunday, February 25
(Consult local station for time of broadcast.)

Monday, February 19

(Time) -- WXXX, CBS RADIO MYSTERY THEATER, “The Shock of His Life,” starring Larry Haines, with E.G. Marshall, host. After suffering a violent electric shock, a man realizes he can read the future like it was the first page of tomorrow’s newspaper.

Bar and grill owner Herbie Boggs, furious because his television set goes clack just as a Sunday football game is about to begin, tries to fix the set himself. Result: an electric shock that sends him to the hospital. When he recovers, he discovers he has developed the capability of predicting what will happen the next day. Sadie, his wife, without being electrified, but with a woman’s intuition, foresees nothing but trouble ahead -- for both of them. It doesn’t take long for her prediction to come true.

Herbie Boggs...........LARRY HAINES    Dr. Bains.............Ian Martin    Sadie Boggs...........Joan Shea

WRITER:  Ian Martin

*   *   *

Tuesday, February 20
(Time) -- WXXX, CBS RADIO MYSTERY THEATER, “Our Own Jailer,”starring John Beal, with E.G. Marshall, host. A commercial artist murders a frustrated poet because of the poet’s refusal to tell him how he can rejoin the girl of his dreams.

Howard Spurlow, who draw designs for food can labels, and Mr.Gordon, a teacher of poetry in a Junior college, meet in a bar. Both agree they should free themselves of their responsibilities and become, respectively, a great artist and a great poet. Spurlow manages, in what seems to be a dream, to fulfill his ambition -- with the help of a beautiful woman. But later, when Gordon refuses to help him to find a way to rejoin the woman, a furious Spurlow pulls a gun and kills him.

Howard Spurlow............JOHN BEAL                        Mr. Gordon..........Ian Martin
Marla........................Bryna Raeburn                          Davis.................Bob Kaliban

WRITER: Sam Dann

                              *    *    *  

Wednesday, February 21
(Time) -- WXXX,
CBS RADIO MYSTERY THEATER, “The Great Brain,”, starring Gordon Heath, with E.G. Marshall, host. A scientist wagers he can use his brain power to escape from the stat pentitentiary’s solitary confinement cell.

Dr. Gregory March, who never played chess in his life, defeats the grandmaster champion in four of five matches. “I’m just trying to show that anything is possible with human brain power,” he says. To prove his thesis further, he wagers with two of his colleagues that he can break out of the best-guarded cell in the state prison in no more than a week. All he asks the warden is for some tooth powder, one five-dollar and two ten-dollar bills, and permission to have his shoes shined before he enter the cell.

Dr. Gregory March … GODRDON HEATH                  Herbert ….............Earl Hammond
Jason.......................Russel Horton                               Warden...................Ian Martin
ADAPTED BY: James Agate, Jr., from a story by Jacques Futrelle

Saturday, February 24

(Time) -- WXXX,
CBS RADIO MYSTERY THEATER, “After The Verdict,” starring Tony Robert, with E.G. Marshall, host. A young lawyer finds his career and his client’s life are in jeopardy due to a strange confession.

Young attorney Ned Murray wins an acquittal for Lew Rydell, charged with murder, then discovers some disquieting information about his client which places Ned’s career and Lew’s life in jeopardy.

Ned Murray........TONY ROBERTS                                     Karen Ostrau......Barbara Caruso
Lew Rydell..........Joe Julian                                                 Harry Ostrau.......Robert Dryden
Melanie Rydell...Bryna Raeburn                                          Tony Eigo.....................Sam Gray
WRITER: Henry Slesar 

                    *     *     *

Sunday, February 25
(Time) -- WXXX, CBS RADIO MYSTERY THEATER, “Blizzard of Terror,” starring Lois Smith and Larry Haines, with E.G. Marshall, host. A snowbound couple seeks shelter in a lonely mountain cabin occupied by an obviously dangerous man -- maybe a murderer.

Driving home from a skiing weekend, Jim and Helen Crane are caught in a blizzard and hear on their car radio that police are looking for the axe-murderer of an entire family. They manage to make it to a cabin, the kitchen of which is splattered with blood, and soon become convinced its owner, Jake Moran, is the man the police are looking for.
Helen Crane...........LOIS SMITH     Jim Crane................LARRY HAINES
Jake Moran............Leon Janney

WRITER: George Lowthar
*     *     *
Contact:  Bob Fuller

EG Marshall Radio


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