“When a Girl Marries” (afternoons NBC) is another of the top-ranked serials. It celebrated its 11th year on the air last May. In the Hooper-Nielsen charts it usually has rated among the first four daytime programs. Petite, blonde Mary Jane Higby has been the show’s star (“Joan Davis”) since its beginning. Daughter of the owner of a stock company, Mary Jane did her first “walk on” part at the age of one. Mary Jane Higby She was making . . . columnist, too movies in Hollywood at six. Highly trained, versatile, the star occasionally plays supporting roles to herself on her own program. More recently Mary Jane added another role: that of columnist. She is conducting a query department on marriage in “Radio Mirror,” nationally circulated magazine.
MARY JANE HIGBY – who was a child star in Hollywood and
plays Joan Davis on the CBS serial, When a Girl Marries. Mary Jane was born in
St. Louis, Mo., but at the age of five was taken to Hollywood by her father,
who was an actor. She played in the films for three years before she decided
she wanted to become a concert pianist. This ambition lasted until she was
sixteen, when she changed her mind again and went back to acting. In 1937 she
came to New York, was idle for just two days, and got a job on a CBS
unsponsored program, going from that to the leas in today’s serial (old time radio soap opera) show. She’s
blonde and unmarried.
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