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Showing posts from January, 2012

CBS Radio Mystery Theater Press Release: Feb 17, 1976

February 17, 1976 SHORT TAKES The CBS RADIO MYSTERY THEATER has a treat for those who miss “Gunsmoke” and the other  Western s that once were a prime staple of network television on Monday nights when it presents a rousing story of the Old West, Moday, March 1. As explained by  MYSTERY THEATER   host E.G. Marshall: “ A surprising number of listener letters have asked us for a Western . So here it is, back to the frontier life of the 1860s when, west of the Mississippi, the horse was still man’s best means of locomotion. A noble animal, the horse, and particularly in those days, a good deal better than many a man who rode them.”                                                                             *  *  * Morgan Fairchild, who stars as Jennifer...

Favorite Radio Mystery Theater Victorian Era Shows

By request, here are some of listener favorite "Victorian-era" themed shows from RADIO MYSTERY THEATER .  Many are Conan Doyle adaptations: "Vanishing Herd"   "Study in Scarlet"  "Hound of the Baskervilles"   "The Silver Mirror"  "The Climbing Boy"  ""Dracula"  "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde"  "Picture of Dorian Grey"  "The Fatal Connection"   "Carmilla"  "Murder at Troyte's Hill"    "The AbsentMinded League"   " Wuthering Heights" "Jane Eyre" Enjoy!


Old Time Radio Actor's Name, Character Played, Program Aaker, Lee Rusty Rin-Tin-Tin Aames, Marlene McWilliams, Lauralee Story of Holly Sloan, The Abbott, Judith Lawson, Agnes Aldrich Family, The Abbott, Minabelle Sothern, Mary Life of Mary Sothern, The Ace, Goodman Ace, Goodman Easy Aces Ace, Goodman Ace, Goodman Mister Ace and Jane Ace, Jane Ace, Jane Easy Aces Ace, Jane Ace, Jane Mister Ace and Jane Adams, Bill Cotter, Jim Rosemary Adams, Bill Hagen, Mike Valiant Lady Adams, Bill Roosevelt, Franklin Delano March of Time, The Adams, Bill Salesman Travelin' Man Adams, Bill Stark, Daniel Roses and Drums Adams, Bill Whelan, Father Abie's Irish Rose Adams, Bill Wilbur, Matthew Your Family and Mine Adams, Bill Young, Sam Pepper Young's Family Adams, Edith Gilman, Ethel Those Happy Gilmans Adams, Franklin Mayor of a model city Secret City Adams, Franklin Jr. Skinner, Skippy Skippy Adams, Franklin Pierce Emcee Word Game, The Adams, Guila Mattie Step M...