Harry Lime is a character who admits to being a confidence man and a smuggler. What exactly does this “anti-hero” get into?
Love Affair - September 1951
The story begins with Harry in Saudi Arabia and the story of Harry’s marriage...his only marriage. As he is strolling the streets, he meets a fortune teller who is very insistent. The fortune teller sees many women and many fortunes but only one wife which, according to Harry, is one wife too many.
Harry meets with a Mr. Schweig for whom he is working negotiating an oil contract for the man’s country. The man gives him a small check but as he cashes the check, a man approaches who seems to know what Harry has planned for the day. The unnamed man wants Harry to get the oil contracts for his country. The man has Harry’s number and knows that Harry’s services really go to the highest bidder.
In the hotel bar, he meets George Harris, a tour guide who warns his tourists away from Harry Lime. As they both go to the restaurant, Harry notices a beautiful young woman with the tour group. He makes his move but gets nowhere with the woman.
As he heads out to the sheik’s palace for the final negotiations, Harry is waylaid on the usually deserted road. The head teller from the bank climbs gets in the car and identifies himself as Mr. Schweig’s operative in the town who saw him get into the other man’s car. Harry is caught between the two opposing country’s operatives. How will Harry get out of this problem? Where does a wife come in? You can find out at Old Time Radio.
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